
Personal boundaries in your fertility journey: what are they, how to put them in place


Czwartek, 23 Maja 2024


19:00 Europe/London

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Dr Alan Thornhill

Dr Alan Thornhill is a Fertility Expert and Coach as well as the Founder of The Fertility Guy (www.thefertilityguy.com) with over 25 years of experience and more than 100 scientific publications in IVF. Specifically, he’s a clinical scientist (specialising in embryology and genetics). Uniquely, he’s worked in IVF and diagnostic laboratories, research, clinical and business management, and even with the UK’s fertility regulator. Working in US and UK-based IVF clinics and consulting globally, he’s been involved in the IVF journeys of thousands of couples (both professionally and personally). He’s helped and advised patients, friends and strangers with issues including low sperm count, sperm and egg donation, genetic testing, surrogacy, treatment overseas and more. He currently works in the biotech industry, and his personal mission is to provide his unique brand of fertility coaching to people in need of help.