
Endometriosis, Fibroids, and IVF: managing co-existing conditions


Czwartek, 17 kwietnia 2025


19:00 Europe/London

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Dr Kristýna Frühaufová, PhD.

Dr Kristýna Frühaufová, PhD, serves as the Head Physician at GYNEM Fertility Clinic. She was born in Prague, she graduated from the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in 2005. Dr Frühaufová obtained certification in Gynaecology and Obstetrics in 2012 and defended her dissertation in experimental surgery in 2014. She has worked at the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department of Hradec Králové Faculty Hospital and later in Prague. Since 2013, her focus has been exclusively on assisted reproduction. In 2022, she received certification in Reproductive Medicine. Dr Frühaufová has authored and co-authored numerous domestic and internationally acclaimed publications. She actively participates in Czech and international conferences and is deeply engaged in oncofertility research. She is known for her personalized approach to patient care and, in her leisure time, enjoys spending time with her family and pursuing her favorite sports: running, cycling, yoga, and skiing. She speaks German, English, French and Czech.